June 2014
April 9, 2015


Project info
DecorativeWall Hanging
Tools and equipment
Ashford Knitters Loom
country spinner 2

Sadly, no pics of the yarn. I spun this at the very last Pluckyfluff workshop, last summer in CT. Drumcarded a batt with loads of white, and a ton of sweet pastel locks, spun a rough, bulky corespun with it, then did the boucle ply techniqe a la Sarah Anderson, using some threads I brought. it was beautiful, but dense and heavy, so it hung around for awhile.

I realized my daughter would love the colors, so I wove it up on my rigid heddle loom, using a thin novelty yarn for the warp. It then hung around for some more months, while it percolated in the back of my mind.

I added sari silk ribbon to the novelty yarn fringe (which you can not really see), added the button, used the same ribbon yarn as a flair on the button, and twisted several strands together for the hanger. I needle felted in a few cotswold locks here and there where I felt I needed to introduce a bit of the shades of the ribbon, for balance.

I actually sewed on a bunch of shell buttons, but it looked too kitschy, so cut them off. I also tried weaving in some of the sari ribbon, but it would not balance, so removed that. This is incarnation 4, I think, and having two others look at it in person, I feel I can consider it DONE :)

viewed 236 times
June 2014
April 9, 2015
  • Project created: April 9, 2015
  • Updated: April 9, 2015