Snow Queen
November 6, 2011
March 22, 2012

Snow Queen

Project info
Traveling Stitch Legwarmers by Lisa R. Myers
Feet / LegsLegwarmers
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
Troitsk Yarn троицкая пряжа Angora (Ангора)
1.5 skeins = 492.1 yards (450.0 meters), 150 grams

This project really wore me out - thin needles, fluffy yarn, sophisticated pattern… Besides Interweave doesn’t show any errata and I counted 4 of them. Here they are:
1 - Double Twist chart, 1st rnd, instead of the central “sl 1 st onto cn and hold in back, k1tbl, then p1 from cn” knit “sl 1 st onto cn and hold in back, k1tbl, then k1tbl from cn”;
2 - Lozenge chart, rnds 39-98, rnd 70, the 5th (p1) st from the right read as “no st”;
3 - Lozenge chart, rnds 39-98, rnd 74, instead of the 16th st from the right (k1tbl) read p1;
4 - Lozenge chart, rnds 39-98, rnd 98, instead of 2nd and 3rd sts (sl 1 st onto cn and hold in front, k1tbl, then k1tbl from cn) I’d make “sl 1 st onto cn and hold in back, k1tbl, then k1tbl from cn”, and vise versa on the sts 6 and 7.

viewed 268 times | helped 29 people
November 6, 2011
March 22, 2012
About this pattern
328 projects, in 1343 queues
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About this yarn
by Troitsk Yarn троицкая пряжа
50% Wool, 50% Mohair
328 yards / 100 grams

55 projects

stashed 42 times

Foksik's star rating
  • Originally queued: October 5, 2010
  • Project created: November 8, 2011
  • Finished: March 23, 2012
  • Updated: November 9, 2012