Aquila chrysaetos tyrolensis flying home

Aquila chrysaetos tyrolensis flying home

Project info
Hooks & yarn

dancing with a soft but powerful wind. This beautiful creature is capable of performing the most elegant, precise and highly formalized ballet movements while conducting a non existant ochestra of natural cosmic sounds.

Aquila chrysaetos better known as the golden or imperial eagle, has one of its homes in the Austrian Alps, despite being under protection, the species is a vanishing kind. They need huge habitats with enough provided space to retire, which is a problem in our technocratic world, but fortunately we still got 1.300 paires in Austria & several of them guarded not far from the place, where I live.
Golden eagles can carry up to 8 pounds during flight. They can fly up to 80 mph, though the average speed is 28-32 mph, and may reach speeds up to 200 mph in a dive. In flight, golden eagles hold their wings horizontal to the body, rather than at an angle as many other hawks and vultures do. They fly with slow, powerful wingbeats alternated with gliding and soaring.
During the breeding season, golden eagles have home ranges from 20 to 33 square kilometers. Pairs may have several nests in their breeding territory and often re-use nests year after year, refurbishing them before each breeding season. Golden eagles usually build their nests on cliffs, but may also use trees, riverbanks and man-made structures, such as windmills, observation towers, nest platforms, and electrical towers.

viewed 626 times
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: August 20, 2010
  • Finished: August 20, 2010
  • Updated: September 25, 2020