coffe&milk on a cold winter day

coffe&milk on a cold winter day

Project info
Needles & yarn

No fun event available here, ladies, but I´m able to offer you the very strange & very true story, how my artistic wishes got answered in cosmic dimensions.

This fotostream actually consists of 3 sets, the first one at the end, the middle one in the opening position with my gloomy burning roses in the back, was my second approach on one of the hottest days in meteorological local history.
It was pretty exhausting to stage a jacket, which makes me sweat even in the middle of a cold winter, with 3 layers of clothes underneath, leather gloves, a ton of necklaces around my neck & a felt hat to top the elegant impression on a carribean evening without Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow to chill me off a little. Well, to tell the truth, he wouldn´t have been a great help in this particular situation. More the opposite, I guess!
I´m pretty ingenious in faking looks, but I´m very specific showing off my knits. It took me many passionate hours to manufacture them & they derserve an elaborate, accurate presentation! If you don´t put them on stage properly, they look ridiculous & me too! So if you are showing off a winter outfit, you better suffer a little bit, if you decide to do so in July & feel dissatisfied with your grande previous try.
When the weather forecast promised more appropriate temperatures for such an enterprise, I was quite anxiously looking forward catwalking my third set, the stage was set, the lights were on, the tripod in position & myself half dressed up, when night closed in on me within seconds right after lunch time. A perfect setting reminding me of Ben Hur, when the Lord was cruzified at the end of the epic.
To make a shortcut here, we encountered the most devastating natural desaster in the area, a hailstorm of biblical dimensions ravaged especially the vicinity around Innsbruck where I live, a 15 minutes lasting bombardement of walnut-sized hailstones gave me an impression how terrifying machine-guns on D-day must have sounded on Omaha Beach. No need to go any further here, you all know the consequenses of such desasters…..

….but, on the other hand, I had totally perfect conditions for my foto-shooting after the gun smoke had cleared (it was actually pretty foggy for several hours, due to thick layers of hailstones), at least after I reorganised my stage in the totally destroyed combat area on my loggia & pulled myself together to carry on with my vanity fair after such a horrible showdown.
Fortunately I had to face only minor damages in my studio, it was quite a relief, that my rooflights didn´t get smashed & so I´m sitting here in the middle of the night one week later, telling you a little trivia right out of my private yarn box & I promise in public never to complain again about to much heat in summer, when I´m up to run the needless third version of a jacket, which already had an oscar-nominated appearance in the second attempt, which is still my favorite!
But I hope that you will appreciate the effort & sacrifices & enjoy my little slide show!

viewed 753 times
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: May 30, 2010
  • Finished: July 23, 2010
  • Updated: April 28, 2020