My hot-couture dream-catcher...

My hot-couture dream-catcher...

Project info
Hooks & yarn

…a paranormal-tropical-design
- twin-sister-version

an absolutely outstanding
thrilling paranormal event
occured in my life,
at least in my closet,
which changed my understanding
of crochet art
for now & all times.

Story & pictures are coming up soon, but I got to deliver a serious warning in advance: fasten your seatbelts, if you got some fixed on your sofa, where crocheting usually takes place in your home, grab your glasses & clean them thoroughly, turn your cell phone off & your computer on, feed your pets, take a bath or do whatever you need to relax & be prepared to encounter a twin sister magical tropical design dream catcher version, which will knock off any expectations you had on the operating modus of this world.
Have a look in the mirror of the unseen, you won´t regret for the rest of your lives!
Stay with me on air right here on ravelry-nonsense- broadcast & feel free to invite neighbors & friends over too, if you care for sharing a superior duty free entertainment in rainbow colours without any rain but lots of bows & millions of coulours combined in a single dream-catcher-special-version-deleted-scene directed exclusively for the world wild crocheting community & all interested dogs, cats, horses & relatives close or distant!
…& don´t you dare switching to flickr either, you´d be very dissapointed, you´ll find only the serious, decent stuff for adults there!

By the way, the model is hidden , napping in the mess on the featured picture, you just can´t spot it, because you have no idea what you are supposed to discover. We only see what we want to see & not the images, which are right in front of us…..

So now, here is the declaration of paranormal madness:

For quite a while I´ve been knitting & crocheting like hell for rmy non existant twin sister, stitching like heaven I did primarily for myself, you can easily separate these two categories.
But life is strange sometimes & you can´t control anything, so I saw myself faced with a spectacular paranormal phenomenon: my non existant twin sister decided to strike back, she grabbed my crochet hoock but not my sort of inspiration, yelled „Yes I can“ long before Barack Obama did & started to fiddle around. Just in case you don´t know, Barack Obama happened to save almost the entire planet with his slogan, my non existant twin sister had nothing like that in mind, so she couldn´t succeed, you will only reach the goals you really mind & care for with a little passion in your heart, let me share this wisdom with you!
It was about at the time when I was manufacturing my dream-catcher-series when she tried to copy me, typical for a character like her, no spirits, no ideas of her own, just up to evil deeds like steeling even my door-knob-desasters, what can you expect, if a nonexistant twin sister with exceptionally bad taste & habits wants to make a contribution to her actually existant sister´s totally cramped closet!
See for yourself, the result is an embarrassing statement impossible to be topped not even by a mastermind like me, but I didn´t want to disappoint her – who knows what she is up to next? - & tried to show off the darn thing in a decent catwalk!
I hope it will pass the censorship of critical audiences here & elsewhere.

viewed 201 times
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: July 19, 2010
  • Finished: July 19, 2010
  • Updated: July 9, 2022