My magical high-speed long distance flying carpet

My magical high-speed long distance flying carpet

Project info
Needles & yarn

Right now I got the news that in some countries women are not allowed to travel by a flying carpet! Fortunately I don´t live in such a horrible rectricted place! I got me a flying carpet pilot´s licence right when I was born, I already had the clue back then that I might like to knit me one later on in my crazy life.

The flying carpet starring here is a very easy one to manouver, you just need to wrap it around, turn on your imagination, choose a destination & whiiiiizzzzzzz…. off it goes, any wind on earth will carry you & sometimes even a heartfelt songline, a poem, the unexpected visit of a butterfly on a friendly summer wind, a full moon hiding behind stormy clouds, the experience of a beautiful painting or a thought full of passionate love might suffice! Just give it a try, you´ll enjoy it, I promise!

And just in case nobody has told you yet, you don´t need no office & pass not one single test to earn your licence. It´s already yours, it comes along with your birth, most people just don´t trust their flying carpets or their capability to use it properly, don´t worry, the carpet will know what to do & what you need at any point of your life, just wrap ist around & trust creation, magical power is already supporting you with every breath you take!

……..but what does it really look like? Right, it´s one of my silly knit-me-a-bunch-of-rectangles-projects, that´s what blockheads like me enjoy the most, - not the knitting, but the challenge, how to put the stuff together & how to wear the unwearable!

Just in case you wonder when I´m fixing such stupid rectangle or square madness, well, that´s an easy one to answer: when I´m sitting in front of my non existant tv, watching my beloved DVDs of more talented individuals, who know how to create fantastic worlds & visions with their costume or production designs……………….

viewed 383 times
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: August 25, 2010
  • Finished: August 25, 2010
  • Updated: August 27, 2010