may the stars be your guide
July 30, 2016
May 6, 2017

may the stars be your guide

Project info
Celestarium by Audry Nicklin
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Knit Picks Stroll Effects
2.5 skeins = 1155.0 yards (1056.1 meters), 250 grams

Linked to my blog post for my beaded edging. Includes PDF chart. The other linked post details how I applied the beads

Using silver lined 6/0 beads for the stars and 5/0 triangular for the key large stars, purchased from Knit Picks. Using jump rings every 10 stitches to match the chart grid marks.

mirror knitting
Follow a-c as written
Than because i knit left to right (and read charts left to right), I followed the charts as written but worked the charts in reverse order…
D2 than d1
E4 --> 1
F8 --> 1
This chart is easy to follow and use. I gave it a high easy rating because there are so many charts an it can be a hassle to juggle them.


Also not going to use yo’s. I want a solid fabric.Using the bright star chart on this page i went through all the charts and connected the constellations and highlighted the stars. It’s helping me stay on track.


I’m placing the bead on the stitch before i knit it.

To reduce puckering and soften the appearance of the increase lines I’m using a lifted increase. I knit the stitch than knit into the stitch below it (even if it has a bead)


Using beadlon wire to place beads. Tied a bead to the end of each as a stopper and using the wire t o slip beads on the stitches easier than a crochet hook.


To more easily follow the E charts, I’ve cut the top and bottom margins off and am stacking them on my magnet board exposing the row I’M on in each chart. Using the pages overlapped to keep my spot while highlighting the edges to tell them apart. On each set of F charts, after completing the 1st 10 rows, i cut them off when done so the paper wouldn’t be to cumbersome.

I printed another set of the F charts to be able to check my work for mistakes


On the last round of each chart circle make sure to double check your stars. Its easy to drop down and add/fix star locations before you increase for the next set


To manage the F charts (there are 8) I cut each down the center between the 131 & 132nd row. this lets me stack the charts and still be able to see all 8 at one time and use 1 chart magnet board. I will use charts rowed 102-131 than switch over to the 132+ set.

I highlighted the rows on the edge so i can tell the papers apart easily when stacked.


Drcreased 2 stitches on round 157.
Inserted eyelets on round 158 yo, k2tog for entire round.
knit round 159 before starting heavily beaded border


Started last cake of yarn when doing last rounds of shawl body


finished nov 2016. Went back for detailing
Re-finished this. I went back over it with silver thread and outlined all the constellations. I used gutermann polyester thread col. 9901. I passed through both sides so the lines are complete on both sides

viewed 2463 times | helped 35 people
July 30, 2016
May 6, 2017
About this pattern
1775 projects, in 3871 queues
GsCraftsNthings' overall rating
GsCraftsNthings' clarity rating
GsCraftsNthings' difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
Light Fingering
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
462 yards / 100 grams

39710 projects

stashed 28911 times

GsCraftsNthings' star rating
  • Originally queued: July 20, 2016
  • Project created: July 30, 2016
  • Finished: November 5, 2016
  • Updated: May 6, 2017
  • Progress updates: 4 updates