Spain Summer Sweater
May 22, 2012
July 21, 2012

Spain Summer Sweater

Project info
Silken Straw Summer Sweater by Purl Soho
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Lithuanian Linen

I ordered ths yarn from ebay. I absolutely loved the color, and thought I’d take a chance. It’s linen yarn, and I have never worked with linen before, but believe it would be perfect for this project.

It’s arrived and the colors are stil glorious, but I am concerned about the thickness of it. When they said “laceweight”, they really meant laceweight, it’s really, really thin! I will be doubling up, using 2 colors at the same time. Let’s hope for the best.

It has taken me more then 3 hours to wind the yarn into balls. Note to self- buy a winder.

The moment of truth- gauge!

22May- I went for needles slightly bigger then recommended, 3.75mm, and……I GOT GAUGE!!! Now I just hope that using linen instead of silk wil not be a problem!

cast on for teh Small/medium size….knitted 2 rows.

24 May- i am 5 or 6 rows into it, and wondering if I should restart. The cast on edge seems to be too tight. The other rows make for a nice stretchy fabric, but The first row pulls it all in too tightly. Waiting for feedback from the luvinthemommyhood group….

3 Jun- all right, so it seems the best thing to do is cast on with bigger needles, which I did. I have made some progress, but not much, because I have been side- tracked by the sun and sand…..understandable, right?

Note about the yarn - it’s probably due to the fact that it’s linen yarn, but it’s stiffness leads to the ball unwinding easily. And I am working with 2 strands held together, 2 strands of lace-weight yarn….the result? A tangeled mess.
I had planned on making serious progress during our 7 hour flight….I ended up spending an hour untangling a huge knot….of LACEWEIGHT yarn!!
Live and learn, right?

24 Jun- making slow progress. I am done with the decreases, and am starting to work on the increases. With a bit of luck this top will be finished this summer!

27 Jun- ok, this is taking shape, almost ready to start on the underarm portion…no more tangles, so I am really happy! The color is great too.

1Jul- i have decided to join the Summer sweater KAL hosted by luvinthemommyhood! I asked, and Shannon was kind enough to “qualify” my project, cause it’s really a t-shirt and not so much a sweater. Am really excited, the ladies taking part in this KAL are amazingly talented knitters…..and fast. They’ll catch up in no time!

8 Jul- I’ve been following the KAL thread and these ladies are making some serious progress, am picking up the needles again!

11 Jul- all right, adding sleeves. This is looking good, I love the color. Debating cable- cast on vs regular cast-on, making a difference?

14 Jul- it’s almost done! So exciting, I tried it on and I love it! Now must add the I cord to the top and bottom edges. This is going to be painful, I can tell.

15Jul- done, OMG, it’s done. On to block.

viewed 1062 times | helped 2 people
May 22, 2012
July 21, 2012
About this pattern
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  • Project created: May 22, 2012
  • Finished: July 24, 2012
  • Updated: September 17, 2014
  • Progress updates: 7 updates