Nelly Wren's Sideways Cardigan w/Mods
February 19, 2013
April 26, 2013

Nelly Wren's Sideways Cardigan w/Mods

Project info
Fresh Melon Sideways Cardigan by Lion Brand Yarn
Nellina Wren Mann
inkognitoh on ravelry
3-6 months
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Berroco Comfort Solids & Heathers
191 yards in stash
1.09 skeins = 228.9 yards (209.3 meters), 109 grams
Lovin’Knit Yarn Shop and Studio in Marietta, Georgia
January 26, 2013

There are things about this pattern that could be much better. Here goes:

  • Leave long tails when you start and end sections. Because the sweater is knitted from sleeve to sleeve, the neck edge is badly stretchy. If you have long tails where you’ve joined to knit, you have tails you can use to backstitch the back/neck and both front pieces to stabilize them. Backstitch gently: not tight enough to make the pieces draw up, but snuggly enough to make the neck less limp and stretchy.

  • The pattern thinks you should pick up stitches and knit the skirt for the back and pick up and knit for each side of the front, then seam the pieces. No. Please don’t make yourself count rows on all three pieces, worry about matching gauge, worry about matching rows on your seaming. Just don’t. Instead, pick up all the way around and just knit back and forth on the entire body of the sweater. The only seaming you’ll have left is the seams up the arms.

The pattern isn’t written badly, but it’s not written intelligently, either. And that sleeve-to-sleeve design desperately needs a collar--which this pattern doesn’t have. I won’t be knitting this one again.

Not getting gauge with a size 8; changed to US9/5.5mm. Knitting used only a bit of the second skein.

Ladybug/Ladybird button added for good luck.

viewed 224 times | helped 7 people
February 19, 2013
April 26, 2013
About this pattern
127 projects, in 299 queues
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About this yarn
by Berroco
50% Nylon, 50% Acrylic
210 yards / 100 grams

33878 projects

stashed 19605 times

KathyInGeorgia's star rating
  • Project created: February 19, 2013
  • Finished: April 28, 2013
  • Updated: June 20, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates