Rhinestone Sunglasses
May 23, 2012
June 15, 2012

Rhinestone Sunglasses

Project info
Tiong Bahru by Åsa Tricosa
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
given to Natasha
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Rohrspatz & Wollmeise Lace Garn
1963 yards in stash
0.65 skeins = 1137.0 yards (1039.7 meters), 196 grams
Rav destash - chemistryqueen
May 2012

#4 of 12 Shawls 2012

’Rhinestone Sunglasses’ for two reasons: 1) The yarn is such an intense color you almost need sunglasses to look at it, and 2) I knit most of this sitting outside wearing my rhinestone sunglasses!

I loooooove this shawl! I’m afraid it has spoiled me for all other shawls. It was a blast to knit, and although it looks rather intimidating, the instructions and charts are so clear, and the design so elegant, that I sailed right through! Now I want another, and another…

Beading info: I did not want the beads on the very edge, where they would catch on things, so I put the bead on before working the stitch. The bindoff goes: k1, slip 2 back to left needle and knit them together through the back loop. I put the bead on the loop before working the k1. I did this on every third stitch to be bound off. This set it into the edge (where it almost disappeared), and then it opened out when blocked. Used 228 size 6/0 beads.

Project Diary:
May 25: I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet, and I’m already crazy about this design. Åsa’s Amazing Tab Cast-on really is amazing. And I love the picot edging! It is perky and pretty, yet substantial and stretchy. This is my fifth Åsa Tricosa shawl, and I just want to make more.

Oh, and the yarn is to die for. To. Die. For.

The weather is fabulous and I’m knitting outdoors, iced tea at hand.

I am a happy knitter.

June 3: Started the lace section--finally!--yesterday. It’s moving right along. I sure wish the Knitting Fairy would sprinkle me with some Speedy Needles Dust!

June 15: After almost a week off due to an injured hand, I finally finished the knitting tonight! I went for the knitted bindoff because I love the clean edge with this bold, graphic lace. Adding beads to the bindoff really slowed me down.

I was pushing so I could take this with me for a weekend away. But finishing at 10:43 pm does not give me enough time to block and still get some sleep, so it will not be coming on this trip. Oh well. It’s done, and I know it’s going to be spectacular when blocked!

June 18: Added a bunch of photos of the unblocked shawl because it is just so gorgeous even without blocking!

And now it’s blocked. Whew! Pinned it out, re-pinned one side, then re-pinned the other, then back again…I think I actually blocked it three times! It’s amazing. Spectacular. Awe-inspiring. And huge.

Used 196g of yarn. Since it was a giant skein, I still have 800 yds left for another project!

Blocked to 68 x 32 inches (173 x 81 cm). The 68” is straight across the widest point, but if I measured along the curved top, it would be a good ten inches more.

viewed 3836 times | helped 55 people
May 23, 2012
June 15, 2012
About this pattern
486 projects, in 1479 queues
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About this yarn
by Rohrspatz & Wollmeise
100% Merino
1722 yards / 300 grams

35320 projects

stashed 73128 times

KimDenise's star rating
  • Project created: May 23, 2012
  • Finished: June 15, 2012
  • Updated: September 24, 2020
  • Progress updates: 5 updates