Crabby Anastasia Sox
September 8, 2012
October 8, 2012

Crabby Anastasia Sox

Project info
Anastasia Socks by MintyFresh
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Mum is a size 8
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Lightweight
65 yards in stash
0.78 skeins = 280.8 yards (256.8 meters), 99 grams

CO 60 stitches

08.09.12 First try at toe up..going to do one at a time since there were comments that 2 at a time were hard with the opposite patterns. Had a couple of false starts with the short row toe..but I think I figured it out! Toe done, now to start the pattern! Hope mum loves them! I will be finishing these in another country so I want to get as far as I can while I am still with her!

09.09.12 Took me a bit to get used to the short row heel - but I did it! I am through one pattern repeat & started on the 2nd. It’s looking good & we have tried it on, seems like it will work! yay!

22.09.12 Well geez - I got most of the sock completed in about 3 days! Last night I finished the rest of it…so now I have to BO & then do the 2nd sock!!! It looks FAB! I did 3 full pattern repeats before beginning the heel.

8.10.12 Hmmm. Loved the toe up! Did find that it was a bit weird going all the way around the ankle & my count always got messed up there too…but you can’t tell to look at ‘em!

Doing them one at a time I was worried that my gauge would vary or I would mess up the pattern repeats or the size..but if they are off they are not noticeably. (Aside from the BO -- I did the JSSBO & found it wasn’t as stretchy as I wanted, & it varied from sock to sock…) I liked the short rows! I have now done Afterthought, Gusset & Short Row. Short row is definitely easiest, but I think Gusset fit me best. I want that Book of Socks -- so many to try still!

I think they look great - they are a bit long for me so hopefully when my mum receives them they fit her like a…sock!

Already looking forward to my next sock!! I guess I am now addicted! LOL

35cm long
22.5cm foot
17.5cm leg
8.5cm wide

  • I did not divide the sock yarn & didn’t trust the weight…next time I will divide it ahead of time - or figure out how to properly wind up a centre pull ball so that I can use ALL of my yarn! I was worried about running out, but I only used .78 - I could have made the legs longer!! Oh the learning curve! ;-D
viewed 31 times | helped 1 person
September 8, 2012
October 8, 2012
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Blue Moon Fiber Arts
100% Merino
405 yards / 146 grams

43057 projects

stashed 56889 times

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  • Originally queued: April 30, 2012
  • Project created: September 8, 2012
  • Updated: October 8, 2012
  • Progress updates: 4 updates