Pigeon Adventure (Seiklus)
August 10, 2014
September 10, 2014

Pigeon Adventure (Seiklus)

Project info
Seiklus Shawlette by Justyna Lorkowska
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Cascade Yarns ® Alpaca Lace
none left in stash
2 skeins = 874.0 yards (799.2 meters), 100 grams

Lete’s Shawl KAL from 10th of August to 10th of September.

First I saw a piece of this shawl, I loved it. I knit double strand of Cascade Yarns Alpaca Lace - gauge is perfect on 4.5mm needles.

Start soon…..

6.08 - start, complete section 1.

Finished… pinning all that picots was quite hard;)
I knitted 2x 4rows section more in last garter.

viewed 215 times
August 10, 2014
September 10, 2014
About this pattern
275 projects, in 395 queues
Manualnia's overall rating
Manualnia's clarity rating
Manualnia's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Alpaca
437 yards / 50 grams

6868 projects

stashed 10285 times

Manualnia's star rating
  • Project created: August 4, 2014
  • Updated: September 14, 2014
  • Progress updates: 4 updates