My “white whale” project for the winter. Plan is to finish it by March 17, 2013.
For ribbing: KBL/p on odd # rows (1, 3, 5, etc.)
K/pbl on even # rows (2, 4, 6, etc.)
Back panel:
I knit 17 rows of ribbing with #4 needle, increasing within the 17th row (WS) row before changing to #8 needle and beginning cable pattern.
Knit 133 rows of cable pattern for the back panel. On row 75, I began armhole shaping (decreases). On row 125 I began binding off for shoulders/neckline.
Back panel finished 2/2/13!
Knit 17 rows of ribbing, increased 13 stitches by knitting through back and front of knit stitches (into two knit stitches on both ends, then every other knit stitch in the middle).
18” @ Row 96 -- start decreases
Final bind off on Row 130
4/6 - Sleeves done.
Begin armhole BO on row 75, then decrease 4 more times on rows 77, 79, 81, and 83.
Begin BO for neck on row 112, then decrease by 2 at neck on rows 114, 116, 118, and 120, then decrease by 1 at neck on rows 122, 124, and 126.
BO 2 for armhole on row 127, the BO 10 at arm on rows 128, 131, and 133 (this will finish the panel).
Made a buttonhole midway between ribbing at waist, then buttonholes at rows 17,
May 2, 2013 -- Finished all the panels! Panels are blocking and all that’s left to do is the neckline, seaming, and buttons. :)
May 14, 2013 -- FINISHED! Buttons are leather. About a size too big, but that’s okay. I wanted it slouchy.