Kindred Souls
March 6, 2015
March 12, 2015

Kindred Souls

Project info
Kindred Souls by Nim Teasdale
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Twisted Fiber Art Tasty Evolution
in stash
1 skein = 265.0 yards (242.3 meters)
Twisted Fiber Art, Inc.

A cresangle shaped shawl playing with another of Naomi’s stitch patterns. :)

Starts with another variation on the heart shape and then morphs into more of a crescent.

Customisable: work stockinette to any size, and once you’ve transitioned into the lace, this part can be repeated too, so you could work it as an almost all over lace or plain with an edgine.

There are two other options for the plain section - increasing that area as per previous crescent patterns (kyok/yo combinations) or there is another option I’ll include in the pattern (seen in the tiny green swatch) which makes one single row of holes, instead of the dense spine shown here.

Final pic of spine swatch shows solid spine worked as k3tog, or as the centralised version as written in the key, for comparison’s sake.

Note - block in haste, repent at leisure. Aka, don’t block when you’re rushing to get done before baby’s bed time or you too may make the spine wonky and not notice.

Also it would have been better blocked with a little less curve as I have stretched the lace a little too far across and shortened the depth of the arches as a result.

Will have to have another crack at this with the camera as I haven’t managed to catch the colours properly. It’s more of a ‘sunset in wherever you wish you were’ colour - starting with a deep fuchsia-purple, morphing into rich sangria (is that a colour?) and then this glorious persimmon for the edging. I love persimmon.

I’m wishing I’d tried the while skein now as the way the edging opens up so far from the stockinette would have played with the colour changes in a fascinating way. A larger shawl transitioning into lace just after the burnt orange would give you waves of that lovely soft apricot,  pear yellows and then a hint of green at the edge. Or a small sized, 70g skein would do this too. 

Can I bring myself to frog back to the plain section and reknit it using the whole skein..? Unlikely.

Row 44- weighs:22g (111rem)
End transition chart 47g (86rem)
End r5 chart 4 - 54g (79 rem)
End r13 - 64g (68 rem)
BO very loosely 66.5g :D just on the half skein as hoped. (please note this cake was marked special as it was a little underweight) The remaining half cake is very pretty and will be fun to use.

Planning to use the other half on something else. (would be fun to make one for a friend and another for yourself from the same gradient )

viewed 1140 times | helped 3 people
March 6, 2015
March 12, 2015
About this pattern
72 projects, in 201 queues
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About this yarn
by Twisted Fiber Art
80% Merino, 10% Cashmere goat, 10% Nylon
255 yards / 70 grams

1030 projects

stashed 1337 times

NimbleNim's star rating
  • Project created: March 6, 2015
  • Updated: May 8, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates