Lizard Ridge
In progress
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work in progress

Lizard Ridge

Project info
Lizard Ridge by Laura Aylor
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
2,304 yards = 24 skeins
Wendy Fusion
none left in stash
4 skeins = 384.0 yards (351.1 meters), 200 grams
plan-knit wool
Wendy Fusion
none left in stash
4 skeins = 384.0 yards (351.1 meters), 200 grams
plan-knit wool
Wendy Fusion
none left in stash
4 skeins = 384.0 yards (351.1 meters), 200 grams
plan-knit wool
Wendy Fusion
none left in stash
4 skeins = 384.0 yards (351.1 meters), 200 grams
plan-knit wool
Wendy Fusion
none left in stash
4 skeins = 384.0 yards (351.1 meters), 200 grams
plan-knit wool
Wendy Fusion
none left in stash
4 skeins = 384.0 yards (351.1 meters), 200 grams
plan-knit wool

160 Tumeric with 159 Cardaman
153 Mace with 163 Piri Piri
151 All spice with 155 Cajun.

29/01/12 - Retrieved from hibernation.
Originally this blanket was going to have 9 panels all 9”wide and 40” long, making a blanket 3ft4 x 6ft9. But I wasn’t really happy with this and also the ridges would run the wrong way.
So I’ve re done the maths. Based on 2 balls making a 9x30” panel and I can make 12 panels. Thats 3240 square inches of fabric.
I want to ridges to run the other way (same as the pattern), so need to adjust the width of the panels.
Based on 3240, if I make it 45” wide it would be 72” long, which is perfect for me.
I have 6 colours (making 3 types of panels), so I can divide 45” into 3 panels 15” wide.
9” for 42+1, so for 15” 70+1 (and that’s divisible by 14 sts for pattern repeat).

So I’m going to frog the first panel :( and knit 3 panels, 71 sts wide.

viewed 107 times
In progress
no date set
work in progress
About this pattern
2478 projects, in 3373 queues
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About this yarn
by Wendy
50% Wool, 50% Acrylic
96 yards / 50 grams

971 projects

stashed 576 times

NinjaBex's star rating
  • Project created: May 7, 2009
  • In progress: May 7, 2009
  • Updated: October 30, 2019