I bought this pattern just for the T-rex. I was a little disappointed that it’s knit flat, but a little seaming has never killed a knitter, so I just went with it. lol!
I did different increases, to avoid the “bumps” created by kf&b, and I made other slight mods, but nothing too drastic. I’m skipping pipe cleaner necks…just stuffing more firmly. And much like I love to Kitchener, I am reveling in a nearly perfect mattress seam on the body of my T-Stripex!
I put this aside (without arms and legs) to knit a couple dinos for some cutie girls. Now that he’s done, o want to re-name him Tyranasaurus-Mantis! Those front legs are a little ridiculous…but I’ve knitted three of the four dinos in the pattern, so I guess I got my money’s worth. Lol!
Back Legs - I knit these in much the same way as the Stegasaurus legs. After stuffing/seaming, I drew my yarn through all of the top stitches and around the top opening of the leg, cinching it closed. I stuffed and seamed the rest of the leg (mattress stitch, no turning), then tacked the legs, through the body, to one another, knotting near the joint, and burying the end.
Front Legs - I actually knit these in the round, stuffing as I went. Then I treated the tops like the back legs, and tacked them to the upper body, knotting and burying the end near the joint.