Front knitted using Looking-Glass Pattern from A Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara G. Walker.
This was originally going to be the front to the WoolSack Ripple Cushion, but I decided to make a cushion with each side, using wool fabric as the back of the cushions.
04/08/12 Decided I’d done enough repeats. Square turned out 12” rather than 16”, so need to add a border to bring it up to size.
BE WARNED: Trust your gauge swatch, as the width narrows rapidly after about row 4. I started again with one less repeat as I thought I was going oversize (22” or so instead of 16”) and then ended up undersize by 4”! It looks good with the crochet border though, so no regrets.
05/08/12 Finished the crochet border.
06/08/12 Decided to use wool fabric as backing, ordered fabric from Croft Mills @ £7/m.
08/08/12 Fabric arrived, cut and hemmed a square. Unfortunately, square turned out a bit smaller than the knitted front. ARGHS! Decided to finish the other cushion and leave this one until after the Ravellenics.
14/08/12 Started to chain stitch around the edge of the fabric square so I have something to crochet into when joining.
17/08/12 Finished the chain stitching and did 1 round of dcs to make the back a bit larger (still smaller than the front though :( ). Started to join the front and back using dcs, doing multiple dcs into some stitches in order to make up the size difference.
18/08/12 FINISHED!!! Managed to get it wrapped up, labelled and into the post office minutes before the last collection. WIN.