TURTLE Hexagon Pin Loom: Twill Weaving
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017

TURTLE Hexagon Pin Loom: Twill Weaving

Project info
Tools and equipment
Original TURTLE Loom™ Hexagon Pin Loom

This project is a “place holder” for myself so that I don’t forget what I did.

The objective was to see what twill weaving looks like on the TURTLE Loom. It is a very first attempt, but it works. May need some fine tuning. Variations are endless!

Here’s how I made this simple twill arrow:

  • Start with a LOOP around the white nails
  • Weave the first, bias part in one twill direction (2 threads) until the triangles are filled in.
  • After switching to regular weaving, continue one direction until getting to the 5th nail.
  • Double-weave the fifth nail, and switch twilling in the other direction. The last twill row lines up perfectly with the top triangle.


  • Start with a LOOP around the white nails.

  • When you weave the bias, instead of weaving over-under each row, weave over2-under2 each row. Please note that the twill pattern develops all by itself since you add a “warp” with each round, which makes the twill shift automatically.

  • When you weave back-and-forth to fill the center, continue to weave over/under 2 warps, but adjust with which motion to start each row so that the twill continues to travel. You can use the photo above for guidance. At the 5th pin (again, look at the picture), weave that pin twice, then switch the direction of the twill. Continue to weave over/under 2 warps in the other direction, and the last row will automatically “meet” the twill of the other triangle.

viewed 641 times | helped 4 people
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
  • Project created: May 19, 2017
  • Finished: May 19, 2017
  • Updated: September 3, 2018