July 26, 2015
July 28, 2015


Project info
Turbulence Cowl by Laura Chau
Neck / TorsoCowl
Needles & yarn

Wow this was a quick knit! Probably largely because I really loved the process, it was measured out in lovely rewarding portions, & I was knitting as a way to decompress from various stresses.

Slight modifications:
1) I basically knit wedge 2 the same as wedge 4, as far as the striping-- just wanted less garter ridges, to make it more uniform + be conservative about using up yarn, as I was a little worried about my yardage (justifiably so, as it turned out!)
2) You might notice that I did a couple extra rows of MC in wedge 1… it wasn’t deliberate, & I didn’t notice it at first, so in the end I just made my last MC garter ridge twice as wide to make it look a little more balanced
3) I used JSSBO (http://knitty.com/ISSUEfall09/FEATjssbo.php), which I think worked out really well; it lays flat, not too tight but not so loose that it looks off from the rest of the piece

viewed 22 times
July 26, 2015
July 28, 2015
About this pattern
265 projects, in 641 queues
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  • Project created: July 26, 2015
  • Updated: July 28, 2015