July 22, 2010
August 9, 2010


Project info
Haruni by Emily Ross
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
as written
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
FibroFibers Nightfall Fingering
980 yards in stash
FibroFibers Nightfall Fingering
29 yards in stash
0.95 skeins = 465.5 yards (425.7 meters), 108 grams

Couldn’t wait to start this! After reading through the info on Chart A and doing the math (1 repeat rows 1-32, and 4 more of just rows 17-32), I determined that you will have 12 leaf stems(not 8 it pays to actually pay attention to what the pattern actually says not what you think it says) on each side of the shawl before beginning chart B.

I am knitting the center spine through the back loop on the right side row. I found I like how it looks after doing the Aeolian Shawl.

07/22/10 cast on and completed first 16 rows of leaf stems chart. I’m adding beads to the first stem stitch on every repeat, and will add beads to chart B as well. I’ve found some lovely teal foil lined beads that are just perfect for this project.

07/23/10 finished repeats rows 17-32 and the first of the four following repeats.

07/26/10 finished second of four repeats.

07/27/10 finished third of four repeats.

07/28/10 on to Chart B

08/05/10 nearly there, only ten rows left.

08/09/10 all finished, blocking as I type, now just to wait for it to dry! It looks spectacular! I love how the yarn slowly changes to black, it’s beautiful!

viewed 8247 times | helped 58 people
July 22, 2010
August 9, 2010
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by FibroFibers
Light Fingering
100% Merino
490 yards / 114 grams

422 projects

stashed 716 times

Twinkerbell's star rating
  • Project created: July 22, 2010
  • Finished: August 14, 2010
  • Updated: September 14, 2017
  • Progress updates: 9 updates