Downton Abbey Mystery KAL
In progress
January 6, 2013
work in progress

Downton Abbey Mystery KAL

Project info
Lady Violet's Dinner Gauntlets by Kristen Ashbaugh-Helmreich
HandsFingerless Gloves/Mitts
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
Gypsy Wools Gaia Sport
372 yards in stash
Gypsy Wools in Boulder, Colorado
March 19, 2012

Gah! I hadn’t realized this was going to be spread out over 8 weeks! Whatever will I do with the time in between?

01/07/13 - I didn’t like the fabric when knitted up on 3.25mm so I went down a few sizes. Much better. I’m not sure how much positive ease these are supposed to have, but they would have been huge.

viewed 67 times
In progress
January 6, 2013
work in progress
About this pattern
1349 projects, in 1160 queues
amachael's overall rating
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About this yarn
by Gypsy Wools
100% Merino
372 yards / 112 grams

13 projects

stashed 9 times

amachael's star rating
  • Project created: January 6, 2013
  • In progress: January 6, 2013
  • Updated: January 7, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates