October 2015
October 2015


Project info
Riverbend by Julie Hoover
Needles & yarn
12 stitches = 4 inches
Rowan Alpaca Cotton
10 skeins = 1480.0 yards (1353.3 meters), 500 grams

This was a blizkrieg project - I believe I made it in a week because as soon as I saw the picture of this pattern I knew that I absolutely needed to have it. And I was right. This short cardigan is extremely flattering and versatile, could be dressed up or down, worn with skirts, jeans, even leggings.
The yarn used to be a sweater - very warm, fuzzy, and baggy - that I never wore. I unraveled it and knit the Riverbend using two strands of yarn together. In the end, I used up all the yarn that I had and got a very light and warm garment that I’ve been wearing since.
The buttons are from my daughter’s old jacket from Aeropostale. I think they match the yarn in color and texture.

viewed 672 times | helped 3 people
October 2015
October 2015
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Rowan
72% Alpaca, 28% Cotton
148 yards / 50 grams

1941 projects

stashed 1456 times

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  • Project created: April 3, 2016
  • Updated: April 3, 2016