March 31, 2016
May 4, 2016


Project info
Mirkfallon by Melanie Berg
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Melanie and Me
Mairlynd on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
The Fibre Co. Cumbria Fingering
5.6 skeins = 1836.8 yards (1679.6 meters), 560 grams
Fiddlehead Yarns in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Love. Love. Love everything about the pattern and yarn!

Who knew charts would be so easy?! I was always intimidated by them, but now I’m wondering why! Perfect pattern for a chart reading newbie!!

Practiced a technique (for the first time) learned during Melanie’s January Thaw classes…Spit splicing…It really works!! Leaving me with only 2 ends to weave…the first and the last…love that!

5/3/16 Mirkfallon is off the needles and on the blocking mats!!

Love the generous size of this shawl. I am thrilled with the Cumbria yarn too…the color is amazing and provides such beautiful stitch definition.

Yarn usage:
284 grams used First half, including swatches
279 grams used Second half
43 grams of yarn left over

viewed 4372 times | helped 7 people
March 31, 2016
May 4, 2016
About this pattern
226 projects, in 620 queues
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About this yarn
by The Fibre Co.
60% Merino, 30% Masham, 10% Mohair
328 yards / 100 grams

2787 projects

stashed 2835 times

cheryllfaust's star rating
  • Project created: March 30, 2016
  • Finished: May 4, 2016
  • Updated: May 8, 2016
  • Progress updates: 6 updates