cast on 25 sts/square.
A1- gold square
A2- Orange & blue square
A3- white and pink square
A4- blue and grey stripes
A5- multi blue-ish red heart (sub for Brown multi)
A6- white with black edge
A7 - gold square
A8- orange square
B1- red white blue
B2- Brown w. Tan stripes
B3- oatmeal Vanna’s
B4- olive w. Red and white stripe
B5- black and white stripes
B6- grey and yellow diagonal stripes
B7- pink acrylic off-brand
B8- blue square
C1- grey and olive stripes
C2- light blue red stripe
C3- dark blue RHSS
C4- navy RHSS
C5- dark grey VC
C6- light grey
C7- dark blue
C8- orange square
D1- red & blue diagonal stripes
D2- off white
D3- yellow
D4- green w. White stripe
D5- off white
D6- Brown w. Orange edge
D7- Brown w. beige stripes
D8- sea foam (light green sub)
E1- Yellow with black stripes
E2- light brown vanna
E3- dark grey white stripes
E4- red/grey/gold
E5 purple square
E6- grey with orange corners
E7- red vanna’s
E8- brown with white stripes
F1- Dusty blue vanna
F2- beige vanna
F3- burgundy with orange stripe
F4- dark blue
F5- brown with white stripes
F6- pink with white stripes
F7- taupe vanna
F8- multi red
G1- brown with white stripes
G2- white red heart
G3- blue speckles red heart
G4- Orange RHWL
G5- Light blue with orange edge
G6- Dark green RHWL
G8- blue colonial vanna
H2- multi red with green edge
H3- maroon with yellow stripes
I2- grey heather red heart
I4- light yellow
I5- white/black multi (in place of zebra RHSS)
I6- light grey vanna’s
I8- RHSS blue
J1- Purple square
J2- light blue brava worsted
J3- light brown brava worsted (almond)
J4- dark grey heather vanna worsted
J5- Vanna colonial blue
7/2/15: ALMOST THREE YEARS LATER AND I HAVE FINISHED THIS BEAST!!! I was nervous putting together the first few rows that it wouldn’t be big enough, but it’s perfect.I can’t wait to give it to Mischa!!