Totally Flocked
no date set
April 19, 2017

Totally Flocked

Project info
Gone Astray by Julia Farwell-Clay
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
5 stitches = 1 inch
Sincere Sheep Resolute
3 skeins = 750.0 yards (685.8 meters), 339 grams

Matching cardigans for the kids!

I can’t do anything the easy way, so here are my


  • I’m following the numbers for the the 29.25” size, but the length directions on the 25.75 size, because that’s the gauge my yarn likes best.

  • I’ve added 3 sts and am knitting it in the round so that I can steek it. (I’m purling these sts.)

  • beads on the sheep. Every other stitch on every other row (rows 3 & 5 of the chart). You knit rows 3 and 5 as they appear on the chart, and place the beads as you’re about to knit rounds 4 & 6. Oh yes, these are also 3 color rows. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!

  • I’m using oral-b superfloss to apply the beads.

  • I’m using Kinoknit’s idea to have half of the sheep facing one direction and half facing the other, BUT, this size has an uneven number, soooooo…

    • … on the lower flock, the center sheep is the 7 stitch, forward facing sheep from the Baa-ble hat chart with 2 sts in MC on either side.

    • You’ll notice that the Baable sheep is two rows taller than the Flock. Knit the white sts in MC for rows 7,8,9 of the Baable chart, then go in and duplicate stitch them in (threading the beads as you go) after the knitting is done. But RIGHT after you finish the plain rows above, because heaven knows, you’re not going to remember what to do after a few weeks of ignoring this project and WOW is it satisfying. YES, I KNOW, they’re not centered like the rest of the beads.

    • … on the upper flock, there are Meg Warren sheep dogs facing in on the fronts (for symmetry), because Genevieve thinks it’s funny that herding dogs nip. The sheep dogs are taller than the sheep, and have a different color pattern. I fixed all of this by doing duplicate stitch after the knitting was done.

  • I also offered her the option of a heart or snowflake for center back.

  • I used Microsoft word to flip the sheep chart, and to keep track of the additional charts.


We did a live Periscope of me sewing and cutting the steek (Available on YouTube here). I had a pile of stuff that I mentioned, here it is:


93 sts for buttonband


3 st button holes

viewed 3230 times | helped 1 person
no date set
April 19, 2017
About this pattern
21 projects, in 49 queues
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About this yarn
by Sincere Sheep
100% Merino
250 yards / 113 grams

36 projects

stashed 37 times

cuteknitter's star rating
  • Project created: April 17, 2016
  • Finished: April 20, 2017
  • Updated: April 25, 2017
  • Progress updates: 4 updates