a grande pebble vest
June 14, 2014
June 20, 2014

a grande pebble vest

Project info
Pebble Baby Vest by Nikol Lohr
adult small
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Studio Donegal Soft Donegal
3 skeins = 621.0 yards (567.8 meters), 300 grams
Tolt Yarn and Wool in Carnation, Washington

June 16th, cast on after doing the maths and using my itty bitty pebble vest as a gauge for this adult size. Will make notes as I go along and if it turns out wearable, will share

June 18th, things are progressing along most peachily, although I do not want to say that for fear of jinxing my sweater vest. so for now let us say, “so far, so good” and leave it at that …

June 19th, to lessen the purl rows I added in a graduated garter pattern. I have also sewn on the buttons as I go along with a little crochet picot edging to the button band. Now on the front neckline and shoulders, using my orange tweedy vest (see in other project) as a template for getting the length of the shoulders right. Quietly amazed to see it taking shape!

June 20th, the knitty gods are with me, a small miracle has happened! My grande pebble vest is finished and quite miraculously fits! At the moment she is drying after blocking and I am somewhat nervous she will change shape. I plan to write up my notes, less I forget and cast on another :)

Footnote: I only used 2 skeins and a little bit, I believe there is enough left on the 3rd skein to make an itty bitty pebble vest for a small being… Oh that is peachy

Footynote 2: pondering front neckline and whether I should have knitted it higher, will ponder further for my second vest

viewed 640 times | helped 3 people
June 14, 2014
June 20, 2014
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Studio Donegal
100% Merino
210 yards / 100 grams

4103 projects

stashed 3296 times

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  • Project created: June 10, 2014
  • Updated: June 20, 2014
  • Progress updates: 6 updates