Moto Blue
August 12, 2015
December 25, 2015

Moto Blue

Project info
Moto Vest by Shelli Westcott
Needles & yarn
US 13 - 9.0 mm
The Plucky Knitter Plucky Bulky
135 yards in stash
3 skeins = 405.0 yards (370.3 meters)
The Plucky Knitter
February 22, 2015

Very interesting project.

I knit the shawl collar on size 13 needles (thank retirement seminar at work. knit the whole thing).

I picked up 36 stitches for the back, per the pattern, also using size 13 needles. I was afraid it looked sloppy and sized down to 11’s after about 5 rows. This is probably a better size all over with my loose gauge (the pattern calls for 15s), but in keeping with the loose look of this project, when I reknit the back (see below, I may stick with the 13s).

The shawl collar is also not long enough draped over her frame, and she is only an inch or two taller than I am. It measures 39.5” in length.

As you can see in the photos, I was off on the measurement on the “scarf part” which definitely measured 43” when I cast off, lol, but is now only 39.5”. I need to knit that part longer.

As knit, the back is much too narrow, even draped over my tiny teenager. It measures 5” across, unstretched. However, knit on size 13 needles, it might be wide enough. And, I would run out of yarn (off to Plucky destash page for more yarn). My inclination, though, is to knit the back at the tighter gauge, adding stitches.

As you can see in the photos, it’s much too skinny like this and needs to at least double in width.

The third photo is the best representation of the Blue Bayou colorway. I can’t say enough nice things about it. If you like blues that are deep and rich, you will like this.

I had two skeins and got a third off destash. They looked identical and came out of the same dyelot. However, you can see there is more variegation on the back, which is the third skein. That may just be the result of sizing down. But, if I reknit this, I’m going to pull it all out and alternate the third skein into the first two.

12-25-15: after keeping this project in timeout for quite some time, I decided to rip out the back, knit extra inches onto the scarf portion and then seam it into a big wide infinity scarf.

Unblocked and unstretched gauge on size 11 needles = 17 3/4”

Unblocked and unstretched gauge on size 13 needles = 20.5

One potential game changer. This yarn is NOTORIOUS for growing when blocked. Before doing anything else, I may wet block the whole piece to see what happens.

Tentative plan:

(1) Wet block and see what happens

(2) Reknit as follows: Lengthen scarf part at least to 43” and possibly longer. Rip out back and cast on twice as many stitches, knitting on size 11’s or do the math and knit on 13’s. Consider including a cable motif like this in the back.

viewed 461 times | helped 2 people
August 12, 2015
December 25, 2015
About this pattern
136 projects, in 168 queues
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About this yarn
by The Plucky Knitter
100% Merino
135 yards / 105 grams

1892 projects

stashed 3431 times

elliebelly's star rating
  • Originally queued: June 4, 2015
  • Project created: August 17, 2015
  • Updated: December 26, 2015
  • Progress updates: 2 updates