The secret code of the librarians
July 31, 2010
August 15, 2011

The secret code of the librarians

Project info
the power of my mind
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Backwoods laceweight
Carolina Homespun in San Francisco, California

This shawl is based on my knitting secret code method, using Dewey Decimal numbers as the inspiration in this case.

15 August 2011 - Blocking done; I need to work in the ends and write and chart up the pattern. I am feeling really pleased!

14 August 2011 - All done with the knitting - now I need to wash and block it. So excited!

23 July 2011 - I’ve been making slow and steady progress on adding more edging and then picking up the body again. So far so good, though I’m worried that I’ll run out of yarn before I’m ready to. We’ll see.

24 Feb 2011 - I keep deciding to check out shaping at night - I don’t know if it’s because I fret more about things in the evening, or what. Anyway, here’s a pic that shows that I redid the edging seam and grafted it without removing picked up stitches! Woohoo!

Also, I was uncertain about the shape of the points, but have decided that I like the way things are going. Hurray! It’s back on the needles again, but I have left in the lifeline, of course.

12 Feb 2011 - Off I go again. Made the edging slightly longer (would have gone longer but I didn’t want to have to buy a second tube of beads just for a few more pattern repeats). Have picked up and started the body again.

Am dithering a bit about the center “seam”. I did a modified three needle bindoff on the edging and am doing a center line of knit stitches at that point in the body.

6 Feb 2011 - Two photos in bad light. I had joined the two ends and started knitting the body. I realized twelve rows in that I’d made a bad mistake that would be hard to fix by dropping back.

But I thought I might as well gently steam what I had so far so I could see how the shaping was working out.

I’m glad I did, because I made the curve sharper then I want it. I’m going to fix that while I’m at it. Also, I’m going to make the edging just a hair longer -- I’d stopped before running out of beads, but I think I’m going to use up the beads (and maybe wish I had more.).

Good news: I like the way the modified three needle bindoff I used came out, so I’m going to keep that part.

4 Feb 2011 - I’m getting close to finishing the edging. I have a general mental outline of how I’m going to join the two pieces and how to shape the body of the shawl.

19 Jan 2011 - In the last couple of days I’ve started knitting both ends at once and have moved on to the main part of the edging. This section is the part that contains the complete code.

17 Jan 2011 - I started knitting this last summer but had some difficulties. So I unraveled it and put it away. I finally got some beads to go with it, which has inspired me to go back to the project.

The name probably suggests something about what I mean by code, but it’s not the whole answer. The lace is based on certain numbers.
This is part of the the FOAYSAKALFL.

Abbybatts spun up by me, yay!

Beads: Miyuki seed beads, 6/0 round, Matte Trans Brown, Item # 6-9135F-TB

viewed 1439 times | helped 2 people
July 31, 2010
August 15, 2011
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: August 1, 2010
  • Updated: July 3, 2012
  • Progress updates: 6 updates