October 5, 2014
November 17, 2014


Project info
Daybreak by Stephen West
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
603 yards
Cephalopod Yarns Bugga!
396 yards in stash
0.81 skeins = 326.0 yards (298.1 meters), 92 grams
Eat.Sleep.Knit in Dallas, Georgia
July 15, 2014
madelinetosh Pashmina
328 yards in stash
0.62 skeins = 277.0 yards (253.3 meters), 77 grams
Eat.Sleep.Knit in Dallas, Georgia
September 24, 2014

10-5-14 - Knitting this entirely in garter after seeing this beautiful version. Also replacing the M1 increases along the edging with YOs.

Thanks to Raveler gaidjin for the following information. To keep in track of the “halfway” I followed this: The first column of the table shows the number of stitches you will have at the end of each 4-row repeat. The second column shows the number of stitches to knit to get you halfway to the marker on the next Row 1 of the repeat:
25 | 5
37 | 8
49 | 11
61 | 14
73 | 17
85 | 20
97 | 23
109 | 26
121 | 29
133 | 32 (end of section 1 for size S)
145 | 35
157 | 38
169 | (end of section 1 for M and L sizes)
e.g. after the third 4-row repeat you’ll have 49 stitches on the needles, so on the next Row 1 of the repeat, when it says “knit halfway to marker”, you need to knit 11 stitches.

10-13-14 - Finished the top section, and am ready to start the stripes!

10-18-14 - Currently at 7 stripes per color. To maintain the slipped stitch columns in garter: On the right side slip stitches purlwise with the yarn in back. When slipping on the wrong side, slip purlwise with the yarn in front.

11-5-14 - 11 stripes!

11-8-14 - 14 stripes! 2 more to go.

11-9-14 - 16 stripes done. Ready for the border.

11-19-14 - Finished the border and cast off! Skipped one row of the border as I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough yarn to finish. Used 277 yards of Color A (Madelinetosh) and 326 yards of Color B (Cephalopod).

viewed 928 times | helped 20 people
October 5, 2014
November 17, 2014
About this pattern
7271 projects, in 4920 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
75% Merino, 15% Silk, 10% Cashmere goat
371 yards / 113 grams

25754 projects

stashed 28350 times

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About this yarn
by Cephalopod Yarns
70% Merino, 20% Cashmere goat, 10% Nylon
400 yards / 113 grams

1931 projects

stashed 4275 times

jenibaker's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 27, 2014
  • Project created: October 5, 2014
  • Finished: November 17, 2014
  • Updated: August 20, 2017
  • Progress updates: 7 updates