Animal Blanket
March 17, 2008
May 14, 2008

Animal Blanket

Project info
Animal Blanket by Zoë Mellor
BlanketBaby Blanket
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
1,380 yards = 12 skeins Sonata Solid
none left in stash
4 skeins = 460.0 yards (420.6 meters), 200 grams
Elann Sonata Solid
none left in stash
2 skeins = 230.0 yards (210.3 meters), 100 grams
Elann Sonata Solid
none left in stash
2 skeins = 230.0 yards (210.3 meters), 100 grams
Elann Sonata Solid
none left in stash
2 skeins = 230.0 yards (210.3 meters), 100 grams
Elann Sonata Solid
none left in stash
2 skeins = 230.0 yards (210.3 meters), 100 grams

03-17-08: Yarn has arrived, however, I just discovered I don’t have any US 5 needles. Looks like a trip to Michael’s with my gift card is in order!

03-28-08: 8 squares done, and 1 animal square. The rest of this is going to be a piece of delicious cake.

04-03-08: Completed all my squares. Starting on all the animals. Will finish th

e dogs first!

04-07-08: Finished all the dogs. Started on the lions.
L-ater same day: 3rd lion can suck my fictional left nut! 1/3 done the last friggen lion :D
Later same day: omg, I HATE the lions. Keep effing it up! :)

04-09-08: Lion #2 is done. 2 more lions, then it’ll be easy smooth sailing. Stupid lions are such a pain in the ass.

04-15-08: had to unravel the 3rd lion AGAIN. I HATE LIONS OMG

04-19-08: THE LIONS ARE FUCKING FINISHED! That last lion now has me at 25/35 squares. I’m almost finished 1/4 Elephants, and after will have 3 giraffes and 3 ducks to do… then the trim around the blanket, the blocking, and the lining. The lining and the trim are going to be a piece of cake :)

04-20-08: Elephants are awesome. Finished the first one today. Will hopefully get two done tomorrow.

04-21-08: Elephants are all done! Did 3 in one day. Spent the entire day knitting them, but got them all done. Giraffes will be my bitches. Then ducks. Exxxxcccceeeelllleeeennnt!

05-02-08: 2/3 giraffes done. I’ll have all giraffes done by end of today, and maybe a duck or two. Then it’s just the trim and the lining, and the blanket will be all done :D

05-04-08: all animals are done, including the duplicate stitch details I missed earlier on.

05-05-08: Sewing all the squares together. Omfg, it’s taking so long! Trim will be all I have left to do, and it should be easy. We’ll see. What has happened every time I thought something would be easy? ;)

05-11-08: finished one of the long sides. About 3 inches into the second long side. The two short sides will be a piece of cake :)

05-13-08: Finished the second long side. Two short sides, and it’ll just need the lining :)

Update: finished one of the short sides, about 1/5th done the second short side. Once that’s done, it’s stitching time, and then fabric shopping. (and in the meantime, I can finally start a different project!)

05-14-08: All done the knitting and the sewing of patches together. All that’s left is the lining and the blocking, and it’ll be all ready. The lining is something Alex will be in charge of, but for now, this project is done :)

viewed 329 times
March 17, 2008
May 14, 2008
About this pattern
31 projects, in 52 queues
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About this yarn
100% Cotton
230 yards / 100 grams

2578 projects

stashed 2529 times

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  • Project created: March 17, 2008
  • Finished: May 14, 2008
  • Updated: November 12, 2018