Reindeer in Green
October 2012
November 20, 2012

Reindeer in Green

Project info
0072D Ola by Målfrid Gausel
Doll ClothesChild Doll
American Girl Doll
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
Sandnes Garn Lanett
Sandnes Garn Lanett

This sweater is beautiful, but the pattern calls for steeking, which I don’t like to do. Instead, I knit in the round until the armholes and knit front and back separately after that. If you do it this way also, you will be able to finish the reindeer before you have to break. The design on the back of this sweater is identical to the design on the front, so there are four reindeer to knit.

The next time I do the pants, I will change to a larger needle for knitting the cuffs. They are quite tight. The pattern calls for 33 stitches around at the cuff. Many of us have knitted Lisa McClure’s Woollies pattern. For reference, her pattern has 32 stitches around the ankle. These pants, however, are made to go around the calf of the leg and also over thick kneesocks. They still go on, but it’s a bit of a struggle.

No trouble with the socks, but I like Judy Gibson’s better. Hat is ok, too, but I would do an i-cord another time instead of a twisted cord.

viewed 174 times | helped 5 people
October 2012
November 20, 2012
About this pattern
4 projects, in 6 queues
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About this yarn
by Sandnes Garn
Light Fingering
100% Merino
213 yards / 50 grams

8063 projects

stashed 4199 times

katie23's star rating
  • Project created: November 20, 2012
  • Finished: November 20, 2012
  • Updated: January 15, 2018