Mondo Cable II
August 26, 2013
September 2, 2014

Mondo Cable II

Project info
Mondo Cable Pulli by Bonne Marie Burns
Uh... I'm not sure. The third one in parentheses. lol
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Malabrigo Yarn Worsted
none left in stash
8 skeins = 1680.0 yards (1536.2 meters), 800 grams
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts

This is the second incarnation of this sweater. I had it almost entirely knit with only four inches left to knit on the second sleeve when I realized that it was such a mess so I ripped it all out and cast it back on after a few months. This time, it is flying off my needles.

Next time, I will choose a much sturdier yarn that can stand up to abrasion better. I already can foresee felting issues with this yarn.

viewed 76 times
August 26, 2013
September 2, 2014
About this pattern
519 projects, in 782 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
100% Merino
210 yards / 100 grams

159855 projects

stashed 88036 times

kniftyknit75's star rating
  • Project created: September 15, 2013
  • Finished: September 16, 2014
  • Updated: March 18, 2015
  • Progress updates: 4 updates