•04/26/09: FINISHED!!!!
Toe modification - round toe
•04/21/09: heel flap is about half way - eye of partridge
•04/10/09: 9 pattern repeats complete on both socks. Now I’m ready for the heel.
Heel modification: Eye of Partridge rather than as written.
•04/15/09: I had to frog. I had completed all 9 pattern repeats on both socks when I realized that I had been knitting round 5 incorrectly. I had forgotten to move the last stitch & reset the beginning of the round.
•04/09/09: 4 pattern repeats complete
•04/08/09: 2 pattern repeats complete
~I had to switch from 2 socks on 1 circular to two separate circulars (1 sock per needle) because on the 8th row of the pattern, I need one more stitch (because of a K3TOG & I only had 2 sts left on the front needle). That 3rd stitch is on the back needle. So I am knitting two at once, but separately - once I complete a repeat for one sock, I switch to the second sock to complete its coinciding repeat.
•04/07/09: Re-Cast On; frogged what I started on the 5th because the Addi Turbos {US 1 (2.50mm)} I initially started using were not sharp enough for the K3TOG & SSSK’s. Started over with KnitPick Harmonies, US 1 (2.25mm). I am knitting this a lot looser because of the K3TOG & SSSK’s.
•04/05/09: Cast On