January 13, 2014
February 14, 2014


Project info
Brownstone by Jared Flood
smallest (39-1/2")
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Queensland Collection Kathmandu Aran
11 skeins = 1144.0 yards (1046.1 meters), 550 grams

Matt so loves the Brownstone I knit him for Christmas, I decided to make him an other. (and since two brownstones one right after the other are row houses… see where I got the name?)

Yarn was bought on our 20th wedding anniversary (yarn stores within walking distance to Dogfish Head might be a wee bit dangerous). Found this yarn tucked in a messy basket and got all I could find of this midnight navy tweed. Perfect for Matt (and an other of his favorite yarns).

The simple style of this sweater combined with the dark yarn will make this look very different than the aspen bark of his first one. Plus there’s no gauge change! I can follow the pattern Exactly As Written! (gasp).

Update 01/20/2014: one sleeve is done and I’m well into the body. I’ll be casting on the second sleeve today (the body is great for mindless knitting, while the sleeves require tracking, so it’s nice to have both going at the same time). I forgot how much I love this yarn! It’s not going to photograph particularly well, as it’s a dark midnight navy with grey and turquoise fleck. Stunning and perfect for this design!

Update 01/21/2014: both sleeves are done and put aside while I finish up the body. About an inch and a half before I divide for the neck opening. Is it me or is this one going even faster than the first?

Update 01/22/2014: ya, I’m pretty sure this is going faster than the first (but I’m also not prepping for the Christmas in-law invasion, so that might be a contributing factor). Neck opening is split, I’m about to start the short rows for the back and I have every expectation to get the sleeves on today. It will slow down a bit, in both actual knitting time and enthusiasm, as working back and forth is a little (or rather a lot) slower for me than st. st. in the round.

Update 01/25/2014: oh ya, those long yoke rows! it definitely has slowed down and with no pressure of deadline, I’m not working on it as steadily. I’m also concerned about yarn amounts. I think I have enough, but I’ll be cutting it close. Looking forward to the raglan decreases so a: I have something to do other than straight back and forth and b: less stitches as I go!

Update 01/28/2014: the body is done leaving only the collar and the finishing! This pattern sorta rocks! So Matt should have his new Brownstone by the end of the month!

Update 01/30/2014: all knitting is done! Just need to get the closures on and block it. This pattern could be addictive!

Update 01/31/2014: ya so I left the unblocked/closure-less sweater laying out last night. He threw it on this morning to walk the dogs and hasn’t taken it off yet. I take that as a good sign since IT’S NOT FINISHED! heehee. I ordered some ultrasuede to make my own toggles, let’s just hope that I can get it back to get the final finishing done.

Update 02/14/2014: so the finishing took a while to get around to! I finally made up the ultrasuede toggles this morning and got Matt to do a model for me (we had about 20” of snow yesterday/last night… he’s running a bit tired in these photos). I haven’t blocked it yet, but he’s been wearing it even before I made the toggles. Let’s just say: great pattern/perfect yarn for Matt. Thumbs up!

viewed 362 times | helped 1 person
January 13, 2014
February 14, 2014
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Queensland Collection
85% Merino, 10% Silk, 5% Cashmere goat
104 yards / 50 grams

5194 projects

stashed 4342 times

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  • Project created: January 7, 2014
  • Updated: February 14, 2014
  • Progress updates: 11 updates