Stripey Steek Baby Blanket
February 10, 2012
February 29, 2012

Stripey Steek Baby Blanket

Project info
Lisa's baby Chloe
Needles & yarn
670 yards
Knit Picks Simply Cotton Organic Worsted
197 yards in stash
0.8 skeins = 131.2 yards (120.0 meters), 80 grams
Knit Picks
February 2, 2012
Knit Picks Simply Cotton Worsted
115 yards in stash
0.3 skeins = 49.2 yards (45.0 meters), 30 grams
Knit Picks
September 10, 2011
Knit Picks Simply Cotton Worsted
69 yards in stash
0.58 skeins = 95.1 yards (87.0 meters), 58 grams
Knit Picks
September 10, 2011
Knit Picks Simply Cotton Worsted
71 yards in stash
0.57 skeins = 93.5 yards (85.5 meters), 57 grams
Knit Picks
September 10, 2011
Knit Picks Simply Cotton Worsted
126 yards in stash
0.23 skeins = 37.7 yards (34.5 meters), 23 grams
Knit Picks
September 10, 2011
Knit Picks Simply Cotton Worsted
198 yards in stash
0.79 skeins = 129.6 yards (118.5 meters), 79 grams
Knit Picks
February 2, 2012
Knit Picks Simply Cotton Worsted
30 yards in stash
0.82 skeins = 134.5 yards (123.0 meters), 82 grams
Knit Picks
February 2, 2012

Gauge swatch on size 8. Went down to size 7 for the blanket. Gauge swatch had several steeks cut into it for testing. Best was when the steek was around 2 single stitches instead of further apart. Used Crochet method to secure stitches, tacked down on the back and did a row of shell stitch on the front side to give it a little more weight and style.

2/10: Cast on and realized about an inch in that I had misjudged my gauge change in going down the needle size. Ripped and started again.
2/11: Knit on trip down the gorge including Bonneville Dam, one of our family’s favorite places to go as kids - so that will be a fun memory to share with Lisa.
2/12: TV knit throughout the day, and ended with a little over a foot of the blanket done.
2/14: a little more tv knitting and I’m at about 18” length.

viewed 76 times
February 10, 2012
February 29, 2012
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Cotton
164 yards / 100 grams

2332 projects

stashed 998 times

kristine's star rating
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Cotton
164 yards / 100 grams

2669 projects

stashed 1851 times

kristine's star rating
  • Project created: February 13, 2012
  • Finished: March 6, 2012
  • Updated: May 4, 2012
  • Progress updates: 2 updates