Homespun Stripes Afghan #2
January 2014
September 2014

Homespun Stripes Afghan #2

Project info
Homespun Stripes Afghan by Kathleen M. Anderson
Needles & yarn
US 13 - 9.0 mm
Lion Brand Homespun
6 skeins = 1110.0 yards (1015.0 meters), 1020 grams

This is the second time I’ve made this afghan. The first time I cast on more stitches than the pattern called for and it was too big. This time I cast on the number in the pattern and paid close attention to having a loose cast-on and bind-off. Perfection!

viewed 127 times
January 2014
September 2014
About this pattern
71 projects, in 101 queues
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About this yarn
by Lion Brand
98% Acrylic, 2% Polyester
185 yards / 170 grams

61831 projects

stashed 44404 times

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  • Project created: March 18, 2015
  • Updated: March 18, 2015