Night Owls Sweater
September 12, 2011
October 2, 2011

Night Owls Sweater

Project info
owls by Kate Davies Designs
34" bust
Needles & yarn
Patons North America Classic Wool Worsted
none left in stash
6 skeins = 1338.0 yards (1223.5 meters), 600 grams
09 11 221897
October 16, 2010

Notes and mods on my blog.

Oct 2- After re-knitting the body with the appropriate number of stitches, the owls were fun and easy to knit up.

Sept 24- realized I had cast on 4 sts too few (I guess leaving off an increase to create 4 fewer sts was on my mind when I started), so when I added the 4 sts with the sleeves, my st count was all off for the owl pattern. Why do I do these things? So I ripped out the body and am re-knitting (again.)

Sept 14- I did decreases and increases at the side. I ripped it out though to knit over with about 3 inches of stockinette before starting the increases. You can see both versions in photos.
I followed another knitters example and left off one increase (4 stitches) to add to the sleeves (2 on each) immediately after the ribbing, for a little more room.
I’m also going to hold off on sleeve increases until I’m a bit further up the arm to ensure a good fit in forearm.

Sept 12- Putting together a list of possible mods I might make after sifting through other knitter’s projects. I’m pretty sure I will do shaping at the sides and add stockinette rows at sleeves to give more room in armpits. I may also make the neckline a little higher.

viewed 945 times | helped 17 people
September 12, 2011
October 2, 2011
About this pattern
9375 projects, in 11195 queues
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About this yarn
by Patons North America
100% Wool
194 yards / 100 grams

109865 projects

stashed 50611 times

mamatronic's star rating
  • Originally queued: October 24, 2010
  • Project created: September 12, 2011
  • Updated: October 5, 2011
  • Progress updates: 6 updates