Socks for Susan
July 2014
July 13, 2014

Socks for Susan

Project info
My Knitted Heart Vanilla Socks by Elizabeth Suarez
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
madelinetosh Tosh Sock
1 skein = 395.0 yards (361.2 meters), 120 grams
Stitch(es) in Winnetka, Illinois

Susan does not knit but wanted some handknit socks. So while we were in Skokie area for a weekend trip, she bought this beautiful sock yarn for me to make her socks. All wound up and ready to start.

viewed 19 times
July 2014
July 13, 2014
About this pattern
1794 projects, in 578 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
462 yards / 130 grams

56761 projects

stashed 55575 times

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  • Project created: March 2, 2014
  • Updated: July 13, 2014