A Twist to it - Test Knit
May 17, 2017
June 11, 2017

A Twist to it - Test Knit

Project info
A Twist to it by Melanie Berg
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Mairlynd on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
19 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
2,190 yards
Shibui Knits Linen
4.35 skeins = 1070.5 yards (978.9 meters), 217 grams
Pat's relocation
Shibui Knits Pebble
5 skeins = 1120.0 yards (1024.1 meters), 125 grams
Pat's relocation

6-16-17 - added a few more photos of different styling options. still can’t match Melanie’s pattern cover, but wow! it’s versatile!

6-12-17 - bought the buttons and finally attached them yesterday morning. 33 buttons (I knit one less vertical repeat so had two less buttonholes) seemed overwhelming, but I just tied them on with the linen and it took about an hour. LOVE the look! and now I need help with the styling! I cannot figure out how Melanie got that look that she’s modeling on the pattern front. off to ask…. (stay tuned!)

6-6-17 - finished the knitting and blocked. I tried the super stretchy bind off and it was too loose. Ended up doing K1, (move stitch back to left needle, knit 2 tog TBL) bind off instead. And - after a 30 minute soak, I didn’t even need blocking wires to get a nice straight rectangle. Finished piece measures 24-1/2” x 65-1/2”. Now to find buttons!

6-3-17 - making progress - four repeats of Chart 2 to go! (note that I only did 8 repeats of chart 1).

5-23-17 - row gauge is big ~5.5 rows/inch. will reduce number of chart 1 repeats to have enough yarn (finished piece should still be the right size)

5-22-17 - on row 5 of the 5th repeat and finished the first skien of pebble … looks like my row gauge is off, so I took the stitches off the needles and wet-blocked. huummmm….

5-19-17 - 1st repeat done. LOVE!

5-18-17 - gauge looks good. cast on and worked the first 6 rows.

5-17-17 - swatched with leftovers to be sure I have enough of the Ivory to knit the project. love holding these two yarns together - and after a soak, it really softened up! now waiting for the swatch to dry…

NOTE about yarn usage - I have ~5 g of Pebble and 33 g of Linen left. I did not weigh the first skein of each yarn I used, but know that the other skeins differed a little from the stated weight. The last 4 skeins of Pebble weighed 24, 26, 26 and 27 grams … so I’m going to say I used 5 full skeins of Pebble. and enough Linen to hold it double the whole time.

viewed 1156 times | helped 3 people
May 17, 2017
June 11, 2017
About this pattern
178 projects, in 495 queues
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About this yarn
by Shibui Knits
100% Linen / Flax
246 yards / 50 grams

4799 projects

stashed 6062 times

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About this yarn
by Shibui Knits
48% Silk, 36% Merino, 16% Cashmere goat
224 yards / 25 grams

4941 projects

stashed 6473 times

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  • Project created: May 17, 2017
  • Finished: June 12, 2017
  • Updated: June 29, 2017
  • Progress updates: 3 updates