7-22-16 - after looking at the disappointment all week, I decided to re-knit the bindoff to be a little tighter (thinking that having less fabric along that edge might allow both ends to be points). I worked a k2togtbl bindoff (still stretchy, but not sooo stretchy) and … I got two points! the piece isn’t as asymmetrical as the schematic, but it’s a triangle and I’m delighted!
7-17-16 - I wasn’t able to block it into a triangle; I have one point and one curled end. It’s still wearable (and it’s bigger than the schematic), but I’m disappointed. (first two FO photos, 4 and 5 up from the bottom)
7-16-16 - bound off…now just have to weave in a few ends and block!
7-14-16 - finally gonna finish this! started the last A repeat today (and last night enjoyed catching up with my sister and a glass of wine… this is the perfect social knitting project!)
6-28-16 - finished the 3rd A repeat.
6-23-16 - nearly done with the 3rd A repeat. these rows are already getting long!
6-16-16 - hum… this project isn’t getting much of my attention! I’m almost through the 2nd A repeat.
5-31-16 - finished the first A repeat and knit half of the first contrast stripe.
5-18-16 - ready to get started! I think this is the first time I’ve ever knit an accessory in the pattern suggested yarn AND colors, but I had two skeins of caffeine and half a skein of ivory leftover from other projects. Seemed like a no-brainer to buy one more skein to have a full project’s worth (and I even got the same dye lot!)