Chevalier Mittens 4 Japan
September 2, 2011
September 4, 2011

Chevalier Mittens 4 Japan

Project info
Chevalier Mittens by Mari Muinonen / tikru
touhoku no kata
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Spotlight Empire
2 skeins = 218.0 yards (199.3 meters), 100 grams
Spotlight in New South Wales


jp#6(3.9mm) knitted very tight
Cable co44.

  • Mirrored (reversed the center cables)
  • Decrease sts from the center to the sides at the tip.
  • Kitchener stitch

This pair is #3 of my projects for Handmade Scarves for Japan.
A kal named “Scarves for Japan 手作りマフラーを、東北に KAL” has started in KAL in Japanese group to encourage the project.

viewed 287 times
September 2, 2011
September 4, 2011
About this pattern
1212 projects, in 1993 queues
miyayo's overall rating
miyayo's clarity rating
miyayo's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Spotlight
90% Wool, 10% Acrylic
109 yards / 50 grams

57 projects

stashed 26 times

miyayo's star rating
  • Project created: September 1, 2011
  • Updated: September 4, 2011
  • Progress updates: 3 updates