I was going to weave the diamond twill pattern on Phoenix Rising, but the weft’s color change overwhelmed the pattern. I had this color combination in mind for a while as well for the diamond point twill pattern, so I’m going to use up some yarn and weave my first item on my new Baby Wolf.
2015-02-10: Wind warp on warping board & transfer to raddle. Beam the warp.
2015-02-12: Finish warping loom and weaving header. Begin weaving diamond point twill, completing one pattern repeat. I need to lighten up on my beat as the first diamond is a bit compressed.
2015-02-23: Complete 2x2 hemstitching on starting edge. Complete 52” weft.
2015-02-24: 72” weft complete. Wove for another 2 1/4”; I completed the repeat I was working on and then added 2 more complete repeats. Remove from loom and full.
2015-02-25: weave in ends and twist fringe.
Warp is 4 yards long; 132 ends
12 dent reed.
My selvage threads are included in the outside group this time.
Had to add weights to the selvage threads.
My beat is not very even. I’m going to repet this pattern on my next scarf/weaving.
First Time