Clad In Blossom
April 28, 2014
June 28, 2014

Clad In Blossom

Project info
Sakura Cardigan by Leah Batt
37.5 "
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Old Maiden Aunt Alpaca/Silk Sport/DK
4 skeins = 1120.0 yards (1024.1 meters), 400 grams
Loop in London, Greater London

Easy peasy! Gentle, lovely knitting which started in the last days of April in England when I visited my parents with the three children and carried me through many weeks of music exams, dance shows, theatre performances and my eldest daughter’s Baccalauréat exams which, we discovered yesterday, she passed with flying colours! Yay!

I am a self-confessed Old Maiden Aunt Alpaca/Silk Sport/DK addict - I can best describe it as both luxurious and rustic - but I must say I did have a few doubts about knitting the lovely pattern with this yarn. My ribbing was uneven as well as some of the body knitting due to a lack of elasticity. Blocking proved my fears to be unfounded. I can happily confirm that this divine yarn comes up trumps when blocked. Of course the Blossom colourway was perfect for a cardigan named Sakura.

Incase you are wondering about the apple blossom wreath - the crowning glory of these pictures - it was created by this amazing lady who is not only hugely talented but very, very lovely.

Blogged about here.

Happy summer to you all.

viewed 322 times
April 28, 2014
June 28, 2014
About this pattern
24 projects, in 116 queues
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About this yarn
by Old Maiden Aunt
80% Alpaca, 20% Silk
280 yards / 100 grams

977 projects

stashed 1153 times

ornamentation's star rating
  • Project created: July 5, 2014
  • Updated: July 5, 2014