Walzing Pamuya
September 16, 2011
September 26, 2011

Walzing Pamuya

Project info
Pamuya by Alexandra Wiedmayer
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
original size
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
757 yards
Rohrspatz & Wollmeise Pure 100% Merino Superwash
748 yards in stash
0.36 skeins = 207.0 yards (189.3 meters), 54 grams
Rohrspatz & Wollmeise Sockenwolle 80/20 Twin
none left in stash
1.08 skeins = 550.8 yards (503.7 meters), 162 grams

Skein weighs 162 grams

Wichtelwalzer=The gnome waltz.
Black, fuchsia, ochre and turquoise.

Casted on 5 stitches on 4.0mm needles.

  1. knit all
  2. knit 1, knit f/b, knit, knit f/b, knit
  3. Knit all 7 stitches

I just LOVE how the small cross stitch
pattern turns out. Slip as to purl,
knit, yo - pass slipped stitch over
the knit stitch and the yo.

When doing the wave pattern just
remember that yo’s after and before
edge stitches (and center stitch if
you are making yo’s instead of M1) has
to be knitted on the purl row - not
slipped!! Pattern tells to slip all
yo’s but the increase yo’s needs to be

I red somewhere to use one size larger needles on the cross stitch pattern. But I didn’t bring larger needles with me so I didn’t do it - but I totally would have done so!! So next time…

Thinking about what color to use on the edging when I run out of yarn - I originally thought black but when I got my dark intensity Verhext und verratzt I think this might suit better. But I ended up using black :)

54 grams black
162 grams wichtelwalzer
218 grams yarn used total.

My blocking mat could have been bigger but when blocking I had to use chairs to keep the corners of the mat to stay close to the ground :)

I think it really changes the shawl by blocking it. Can’t wait to see it of the mat!!

viewed 527 times | helped 4 people
September 16, 2011
September 26, 2011
About this pattern
1304 projects, in 1786 queues
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About this yarn
by Rohrspatz & Wollmeise
100% Merino
574 yards / 150 grams

82552 projects

stashed 150319 times

pillen's star rating
About this yarn
by Rohrspatz & Wollmeise
80% Merino, 20% Nylon
510 yards / 150 grams

71119 projects

stashed 111280 times

pillen's star rating
  • Project created: September 12, 2011
  • Finished: November 21, 2011
  • Updated: December 8, 2011
  • Progress updates: 6 updates