Charcoal Daybreak Shawl
October 23, 2009
February 6, 2010

Charcoal Daybreak Shawl

Project info
Daybreak by Stephen West
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
extra large
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1,120 yards
Dream in Color Smooshy 100% Merino
none left in stash
0.7 skeins = 315.0 yards (288.0 meters), 79 grams
Weaving Works
January 18, 2010
Pigeonroof Studios ORIGINAL sock
none left in stash
1 skein = 435.0 yards (397.8 meters), 121 grams
Rav trade
Pigeonroof Studios Superwash Merino Sock
none left in stash
2 skeins = 370.0 yards (338.3 meters), 90 grams
Rav trade

I really love this shawl and wear it a lot. The sock yarn weight is perfect and the size and shape fits me very well. I love the long dangling arms, and how they curl and show a bit of reverse stockinette off. I am planning on another one, in blues perhaps.

I found after blocking that I had bound off too tightly. There is still a bit of curl to the border, so when I do this again, I think I will do a garter stitch border. I may someday rip and reknit the border in garter, but probably not.

Another mod I may make in the future is that I think a garter edging with yarnovers instead of the M1s would also make a nice edging, and add a row of eyelets. That would give the edging a bit more stretch than the stockinette with yarnovers edging that I did - although I like my version very much.

2/6/2010 - Bound off today. I only knit 5 repeats of the 4-row border, instead of the 7 called for for the large sizes. Adding in a third skein in black was a very good choice - color B joins it well to color A, and it made the shawl adequately large. I still have to block before it will be completely done, but I’m already wearing it around the house.

I find myself surprised by how long the arms of the shawl are. My favorite part is how well it is staying on my shoulders.

2/3/2010 - On the finish line now. Adding the black worked pretty well, I think. I’m midway through the bottom border and looking forward to this being done soon. I ended up with 25 stripes in the middle section.

1/18/2010 - I finished color A with 17 stripes of color. The shawl is not nearly big enough to be beginning the bottom section with the purl ridges - I like big, enveloping shawls, not little shawlettes thrown around the neck.

I’ve purchased a third skein of yearn, Dream in Color Smooshy in Black Parade, and am going to stripe it with the variegated color B until B runs out. I’m also planning to slow down on the increases at this point, because it’s getting hugely wide without getting long enough for me.

1/15/2010 - This hibernated over the holidays while I focused on gift knitting. Now that we’re in the new year, I’m back to knitting for me. I’ve knit 15 four-row stripe sections, and am guessing I’ll get 2-3 more stripes out of color A. There is a fair amount of color B left, though.

I really like knitting this pattern, but am not entirely sure yet if alternating two colors so similar and yet so different is successful. However, I really wanted a charcoal gray shawl, so I didn’t want to use something that would be more contrasting.

11/11/2009 - I’m a few repeats into the striping now. The difference in the colorways is noticeable, but very subtle.

11/3/2009 - Ready to add color B. I knit two extra 4-row repeats of the solid section, which means I have 193 stitches on my needles instead of 169. The first row of the striped section, I’ll be knitting 30 instead of 26 on the row that sets up the markers.

The other mod I am doing is that I changed the edging. Rather than two stitches of garter and a M1 (I found sticking a M1 in right at the switch between stockinette and garter to be nearly impossible), I’m knitting two stitches of stockinette and a yarnover. I really like how it’s knitting up - a clean, smooth edge. The stockinette rolls back on itself so it looks a bit like an i-cord edging.

10/30/2009 - I purchased two very different skeins of Pigeonroof sock yarn in the Charcoal wanting to knit them together to make a shawl. Because they are so different, I couldn’t figure out what to make until the Daybreak Shawl came along.

I almost finished with the solid beginning section. I am, however, planning to knit an extra 4-row repeat or two, as I have more yardage of color A than the pattern calls for.

viewed 1065 times | helped 13 people
October 23, 2009
February 6, 2010
About this pattern
7269 projects, in 4918 queues
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About this yarn
by Dream in Color
100% Merino
450 yards / 113 grams

30371 projects

stashed 26640 times

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About this yarn
by Pigeonroof Studios
100% Merino
185 yards / 50 grams

245 projects

stashed 361 times

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About this yarn
by Pigeonroof Studios
100% Merino
435 yards / 100 grams

377 projects

stashed 626 times

potentialofyarn's star rating
  • Originally queued: October 19, 2009
  • Project created: October 21, 2009
  • Finished: February 6, 2010
  • Updated: March 30, 2011