Color Spectrum
November 20, 2011
March 14, 2012

Color Spectrum

Project info
Moore by Ruth Garcia
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Rohrspatz & Wollmeise Sockenwolle 80/20 Twin
none left in stash
3 skeins = 1530.0 yards (1399.0 meters), 450 grams

One last thing to do is put a nice big hook/loop clasp instead of just the little one.
Well, I’m down 15 pounds since Xmas and proud of it. I asked my husband to rip out the camera because this baby wanted to be photographed! :D

All done… again! lol now I just have to weave in the ends and take some pictures.

Figured out the sleeves. going to finish them this week! THEN i’ll have to take pictures! good ones! :)

I always have company when knitting.

Jan 28: Sleeves are done. Blocking. Didn’t like them, redoing them.
Jan 27: Started first sleeve last night. looking good so far.

Body finished. am going to block, put a zipper on and then see how to finish the collar/ how long to do the arms.

OK, so I changed my mind like a million times on how I was going to finish this. I got to the end of the green, and I realize that I hadn’t picked out enough minis to finish the whole front panel, so, I thought i’d continue it in the last green which was Fhrueling. Then, after pining it on the manequine, I changed my mind again. I’m going to frog the little border on the left side, and extend it to meet the right side in the middle. it’s straying from the pattern, but I think if I put a zipper on here, it could be cute as hell as a little zip sweater.

Another alteration I had to make was to add a little “cap” to the shoulders. My arms are too fat to fit where they were suppost to. so, I added a piece going in the opposite dirrection to the knitting and it adds a little detail to the sleeves. :)

It was so hard to get the picture to come out. it’s so washed out. Hopefully, it will stop raining here so I can get one outside.

Well, i’m just getting to the greens, and i’m only just rounding at the second arm! I think I might have miscalculated the number of minis I would need to do the whole thing. so, i’m now debating what I should do after I knit the last green. Should I just reverse the order and knit through the greens again? or start over with the yellow again?
we’ll see.

Need a vacation project as i’m leaving for a week, and I thought this might be perfect, now it’s to find the best colours.

I have soooo many little minis, it might be fun to use them with 47 AG for a rainbow sort of thing. lol we’ll see.

viewed 6391 times | helped 21 people
November 20, 2011
March 14, 2012
About this pattern
47 projects, in 474 queues
preciouslyinked's overall rating
preciouslyinked's clarity rating
preciouslyinked's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Rohrspatz & Wollmeise
80% Merino, 20% Nylon
510 yards / 150 grams

71125 projects

stashed 111280 times

preciouslyinked's star rating
preciouslyinked's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Durable
  3. Washable
  • Originally queued: October 22, 2011
  • Project created: November 21, 2011
  • Finished: March 30, 2012
  • Updated: June 8, 2021
  • Progress updates: 9 updates