My Boyfriend wants this. He chose the colors. I think they are rather dull, he thinks they are just perfect :)
Using a hook size 3 the final animal turned out quite large… 65 cm fra tail to head and 33 cm from foot to top of the backplates. And 18 cm at the widest.
It also weight quite a lot. 1033 grams. Since only 438 grams of that is yarn it must be pretty filled :)
I did the backplates like Lottepetot did. Look here. I thought it looked cool to place them individual. Anders told me thats the way they have to sit… acording to real stegosaurus skeletons.
It also had to have tailspikes. They do have. Ive seen pictures. Now. I did them in single crochet and I have no idea how.. I just made them up as I went. And Im pretty sure none of them are alike.
Making a stegosaurus got Anders to look a little into how they actually worked. It turned out they must have been pretty stupid. Their brains had a weight around 80 grams… Human brains weight around 1½ kilos… Just thinking.
Nevertheless… He loves the result. The eyes he picked himselves and the colors. true camouflage :)
Well… had to do some changes. he was like too cute. And have you ever looked at stegosaurous skeletons? They have loads of backplates uneven placed along the spine. Larger in the middle and smaller at the front and back.
This one didnt have enough backplates.
I made more. using different hook sizes in order to make them bigger.
I did 1½ ekstra set of the smallest one - the one without round five using same hook size as for the rest of the dino. (hook size 3 mm)
And then I did two sets of fully pentagons using hook size 4 mm. And one set using hook size 5 mm.
Its not as cute as the origially Heidi Bear design anymore. Its more raw and masculin, wich my BF finds pretty atractive. He kinda loves it :)