Two-color Increases
June 27, 2014
June 28, 2014

Two-color Increases

Project info
Needles & yarn

In this demonstration teal yarn is MC and orange yarn is CC.

A1.B2. Single two-color increase MC-CC
Knit 1 using MC strand and leave the stitch on left needle, then knit the same stitch using CC and slip it off the needle.

A2.B1. Single two-color increase CC-MC
Knit 1 using CC strand and leave the stitch on left needle, then knit the same stitch using MC and slip it off the needle.
This particular increase can be performed by knitting the stitch with both strands and then working them as separate stitches on the next rownd, but make sure these strands weren’t intertwined during the process as this may affect the finished appearance.

C1. Left-leaning lifted increase MC-CC
Knit 1 using MC strand, then lift the left leg of the stitch two rows below the stitch just worked and knit it using CC strand.

C2. Right-leaning lifted increase MC-CC
Lift the right leg of the stitch one row below the stitch on left needle and knit it using CC strand, then knit that stitch using MC strand.

D1. Left-leaning lifted increase CC-MC
Knit 1 using CC strand, then lift the left leg of the stitch two rows below the stitch just worked and knit it using MC strand.

D2. Right-leaning lifted increase CC-MC
Lift the right leg of the stitch one row below the stitch on left needle and knit it using MC strand, then knit that stitch using CC strand.

The difference between single and lifted increases is that the former distort the base stitch less =)

E. Double lifted increase
Lift the right leg of the stitch one row below the stitch on left needle and knit it, then knit that stitch through back loop, then lift the left leg of the stitch two rows below the stitch just worked and knit it.

F. Double lifted increase MC-CC-MC
Lift the right leg of the stitch one row below the stitch on left needle and knit it using MC strand, then knit that stitch through back loop using CC strand, then lift the left leg of the stitch two rows below the stitch just worked and knit it using MC strand.

G. Double lifted increase CC-MC-CC
Lift the right leg of the stitch one row below the stitch on left needle and knit it using CC strand, then knit that stitch through back loop using MC strand, then lift the left leg of the stitch two rows below the stitch just worked and knit it using CC strand.

H. Quadruple lifted increase MC-CC-MC-CC-MC
Lift the right leg of the stitch one row below the stitch on left needle and knit it using MC strand; insert right needle below MC strand and make CC yarnover; then knit that stitch through back loop using MC strand; insert right needle below MC strand and make another CC yarnover; then lift the left leg of the stitch two rows below the stitch just worked and knit it using MC strand.

Example: Secret Socks #4

viewed 1030 times | helped 7 people
June 27, 2014
June 28, 2014
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: June 27, 2014
  • Finished: June 27, 2014
  • Updated: May 19, 2015