indian floral vest
In progress
August 4, 2011
work in progress

indian floral vest

Project info
Indian Floral Vest by Pam Allen
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1,575 yards
Caron Simply Soft Solids
2 skeins = 630.0 yards (576.1 meters), 340 grams
Caron Simply Soft Solids
1 skein = 315.0 yards (288.0 meters), 170 grams
coron simply soft
1 skein = 315.0 yards (288.0 meters)
coron simply soft
1 skein = 315.0 yards (288.0 meters)

I don’t normally like to work with acrylic but when my mother in law passed she had lot of it most I gave to my children for their amigurimi but I kept a few to make some items for myself that sort of came from her

i figured out why most people have not done this pattern or don’t finish it and frog it. It is because the author was to lazy to write the second half of the vest front and just tells you to reverse everything from the other side. Well that is good well and fine for an experienced knitted but a novice would probably just give up. to me it was a pretty easy knit 4 days start to finish i did decided to do duplicate stitch for the back part instead of knitting it in. I also adjusted the back some as I wanted a little tighter image so I removed a few stitches and scooted the bottom leaves in some

Interweave Knits, Winter 1999/2000

viewed 121 times | helped 1 person
In progress
August 4, 2011
work in progress
About this pattern
3 projects, in 43 queues
sunshineharbaugh's overall rating
sunshineharbaugh's clarity rating
sunshineharbaugh's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Caron
100% Acrylic
315 yards / 170 grams

238815 projects

stashed 101557 times

sunshineharbaugh's star rating
  • Project created: August 4, 2011
  • In progress: August 4, 2011
  • Updated: August 11, 2011
  • Progress updates: 3 updates