Icelandic star
March 13, 2012
May 27, 2012

Icelandic star

Project info
Icelandic Star by Sarah Hoadley
32 1/5
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
872 yards = 8 skeins
Ístex Léttlopi
0 yards in stash
5 skeins = 545.2 yards (498.5 meters), 250 grams
Álafoss Wool Store in Mosfellsbær, Reykjavik
Ístex Léttlopi
1 skein = 109.0 yards (99.7 meters), 50 grams
Nordic Store Wool (
Ístex Léttlopi
1 skein = 109.0 yards (99.7 meters), 50 grams
Nordic Store Wool (
Ístex Léttlopi
1 skein = 109.0 yards (99.7 meters), 50 grams
Nordic Store Wool (

13/03 - Cast-on and started on the body ribbing. The Lett-Lopi is not the softest of yarns, but when knit up it’s looks wonderful

14/03 - Started the bottom colowork. I decided to knit this following the patten (flat), despite having read suggestions that it should be knit on the round and steeked. I was a bit wary of purling colorwork, but it was actually a breeze, and the purl rows don’t take me much longer that the knit ones. For the record, when purling I hold the main color on my right hand with the strand going round my neck (this is the Portuguese way), and the contrast color on my left hand over my index finger.

16/03 - Done with the bottom colorwork and 7 inches of the body. This project is going much faster than I hoped, and the Lett-lopi still looks fabulous especially in the colorwork section.

18/03 - Arghhhhhh !!!! One of the red skeins is from a different dye lot and it shows, so I’m frogging everything back to the bottom colorwork again and start with a new skein…

29/04 - Body done. I lengthened it till 18 inches. Made some waist shaping too (two decreases and increases at the sides). Now to cast on for the sleeves

12/05 - One sleeve done (increases at 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches). Lengthened sleeve till 18 inches.

17/05 - Two sleeves done. Joined body and sleeves, now starting the yoke !

27/05 - Finally finished. I almost ran out of the red yarn, had to use all the little bits to finish the button bands. The embroidery is somewhat time consuming, it took me a couple of nights, but the end result is worth it. The yarn is a bit scratchy and not to be used against the skin, but with a top underneath it’s ok and very, very warm. And it blocked out perfectly too, all my imperfections vanished. I love it, I think I’ll wear it a lot next winter :-)

viewed 1173 times | helped 6 people
March 13, 2012
May 27, 2012
About this pattern
183 projects, in 390 queues
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About this yarn
by Ístex
100% Icelandic
109 yards / 50 grams

61243 projects

stashed 58152 times

taniaho's star rating
  • Originally queued: November 17, 2009
  • Project created: March 12, 2012
  • Updated: May 29, 2012
  • Progress updates: 4 updates